May 31, 2008

The Original Cuppycake Video

so cute and talented...3 yrs old...can u believe it????????

May 30, 2008

over the rainbow...

just doubt about it....

May 8, 2008

Josh Groban Live You raise me up Superbowl NASA Tribute

This is AWESOME! I simply love the lyrics of this song! The back-up singers add more umph to this fantastic song!

David Archuleta - Love Me Tender

He has such great talent!

May 7, 2008

Mother's Day

A tribute to all mothers in the whole universe...That's the day when we celebrate Mother's all those who still have their mothers, this is the day for you to show your gratitude towards her. Show her the TLC.

Well, I strongly believe that there isn't a need for you to spend a bomb just to celebrate Mother's Day...what's important is spending the time with your mother qualitatively, prepare something nice for her at home to enjoy and most importantly, show her your sincerity in wanting to celebrate this special day with her.

I also believe that everyday is Mother's Day 'cos no matter where you are, what you are, whether you are married or still single, you can never ever find the love that you mother has showered you all these while. You see, even when you are married, you are still the 'baby' in your mother's eyes so she will constantly worry about your wellbeing and there are times that she will have the tendency to interfere in your life just to make sure that everything turns out fine for you and your family...

So, treasure you mother while she's still alive. Love her whole-heartedly before she closes her eyes. Give her joy and happiness before she leaves you forever....

To my Mom, Mdm Hamidah......Happy Mother's Day! There are no words to truely express my love, appreciation and gratitude to you for all that you have done for me from the time I was born till today.

To all Mothers out there....Have an enjoyable Mother's Day celebration with your children!

May 2, 2008

Another Trip to the Gynae's

Today went to see my gynae for yet another appointment. Appointment was at 10.35a.m. but ended up seeing him at 11.10a.m. as there were many patients. Well, it's understood as yesterday was a public holiday so most of the cases were either pushed to today or tomorrow.

As usual, Gynae asked all the routine questions and as usual too, I answered them. Just that this time, I had to tell him of the frequent contractions that I have been having lately and my recurring fever. He then prescribed a medication for me to consume for at least 2 weeks to control my contractions as he doesn't want the baby to come out too soon.

By the way, he did another 3-D scan of Baby. It was perfect. I could see Baby's face quite clearly. Baby looked glum in the tummy..Hahahah..I don't know why..maybe because I was hungry during the check-up..Hehehe....cute huh? Never did I expect to see Baby's face so clearly. Even Hubby and Hana were excited.

Well, I am already into my 33rd week of today Gynae had prepared the admission letter into the hospital for me. He had also warned me that there is a high possibility that Baby may come out earlier than the EDD. So he wants to me to be prepared from now on.

Guess, I'd better do as he says. Hmm.....

Hopefully I will have the time to write in here before I really go into LABOUR!

Till then, God Bless...