Nov 15, 2008

Yet Another Stay

On Thursday evening, upon reaching home from school, Hubby and I found Hana lying on the floor in front of the door. We thought she was sleeping there but it turned out to be that she was actually feeling very sick. We found out that she was gasping for air and wheezing rather badly.

Hubby immediately administered the ventolin inhaler on her but throughout the night, there was no improvement. Finally we decided to send her to the hospital's Children's Emergency Department. The oxygen level in her body was below 90! After further administering of the ventolin, her oxygen level only went up to 93...still an unacceptable level for her. Thus, the decision by the senior doctor to admit her into the ward for further observation.
According to the senior doctor, Hana is currently suffering from persistent asthma. Therefore, after being discharged from the hospital, the specialist will arrange for more follow-up sessions at the specialist clinic.

Till then, let's see how long will Hana's stay be this round.

P/s: This is in fact Hana's 3rd hospitalisation stay for the year. Do hope there will be no more stays for her in the future.

Sep 29, 2008

Salam Eidulfitri...

Here's wishing all my brothers and sisters in Islam 'Eid Mubarak'! May this day bring tonnes of joyness to you and family.

Taking this opportunity to also wish all my pupils a Happy Children's Day and do, do enjoy the break!

Lots of kisses from Mrs Suhaimi!

Sep 15, 2008

Cookie-Baking Marathon

Last weekend I started baking cookies for Hari Raya. It was a real marathon as I managed to bake 4 differenttypes of cookies formy regular customers, Mum and myself! It was super tiring but I totally had no choice as being in the faternoon session, I am rushed for time. Well, there's still more cookie-baking to be done this coming weekend. The more tedious ones like 'makmur' and pineapple tarts, the ones that customers order in hundreds!

I have yet to bake more M&M's cookies as I intend to give my pupils those cookies for Children's Day. Whatever it is, let's wait and see whether it really materialises or not as I may not have the time to do extra baking on top of what I am supposed to do. Worse comes to worse, I'll just get a little gift for the kiddies....

Sep 8, 2008

Your mother Yusuf Islam and children

Ustaz Akhil Hayy - Zikir Munajjat (LIVE at BACHOK)

It's a Fresh Start

Today marked a fresh start for me in school after my maternity leave. It was indeed a mixed feelings of happiness and dreadfulness. Happy because I finally get to go back to work, a great escape from my 'monstrous' daughter, Hana, who has been fantastically testing my patience ever since Nadya was born exactly 3 months ago. It was a dread because I just could not bear to leave Nadya at home. I guess the bond between Nadya and me is in fact much greater and deeper as compared to the bonding I have with Hana.

On the experience being back in school the first day...rating from 1 to 10, with 1 being horribly horrible and 10 being fantastically overwhelming, I shall rate my returning to work as 7! Don't bother asking me why 'cos I will definitely not be able to tell you the definite reason...Hahahaha...crazy huh? I guess I am..thanks to the overwhelming workload that is awaiting me for the next 10 weeks!

Welcome back to working life, Shahidah!

Aug 2, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to Hana Atirah...
Happy Birthday to you...
Here's wishing my wonderful daughter, Hana Atirah, a Happy 3rd Birthday! It was exactly 3 years ago that I gave birth to her at 1708hrs. time flies, to see your own child growing in front of you, everyday learning new things, experiencing new horizons. As far as her developments(physically, mentally, spiritually, academically) are concerned, I am thankful to Allah for giving her a great headstart.
May she continue to grow up being an independent being who is respectful towards her parents, elders and people around her, who practises great social values and may her future be as bright as the sun, InsyaAllah...

Jul 30, 2008

Shahidah says...

she's finally here. She joined us on Saturday, 26th July and ever since she's here, I have more time to be with my princesses, not having to worry about the mess that Hana creates, about cooking the daily meals and rushing to entertain Nadya who always cries for attention. I can even enjoy my bath moments!

I am glad and thankful to Allah for sending me this assistant and hopefully, she will do a good job and thus, stay with us for the whole 2-year contract!

Jul 26, 2008

It's a...

...tiring day. And the best part is....I can't sleep! The moment I close my eyes, my thoughts will wander off.

Jul 25, 2008

The Maid

My new maid is arriving...

Jul 12, 2008

A Tiring Day

Today both girls tested my patience, be it the elder or the BABY! I don't know what was going on in their minds..both girls wanted constant attention from me the whole day...till Hubby came back from work when Hana finally detached herself from me to be with Daddy...Finally I managed to break free..but for just a little wee bit as I still had my darling Haney to attend to.

Though I am feeling super-tired now, I just can't go to sleep. Maybe after browsing the net, I will FORCE myself to go to bed!

Jul 9, 2008

Tahnik and Head-Shaving Ceremony

Similar to what Hana Atirah went through 3 years ago, Haney Nadya went through the Tahnik and Head-Shaving Ceremony at Darul Ghufran Mosque on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 26 days after birth. It was the same ustaz who carried out the ceremony. Here are some photos of the ceremony.

The Tahnik....honey was put in the mouth.

The head-shaving begins...

After reciting some prayers specially for Haney, Ustaz gave Hana a chance to kiss her beloved sister.

Jul 8, 2008

Wound Update

An update on Nadya's surgical has finally closed up! Alhamdulillah....I am totally relieved that Nadya is doing well and that there isn't a need for us to go back and forth the polyclinic everyday for the dressing.

However, we do have an appointment with Nadya's surgeon, Dr Amos Loh, on 14th July for a follow-up review. At the same time, he will inform us of the results of the biopsy that was done. Praying for good news from him.

Jul 2, 2008


Haven't got the time to share wonderful stories in here. It's because I have been super busy caring for my dear, dear Baby Haney Nadya. On her 17th day into this cruel world, I noticed a lump on her left axillary. To think that in the afternoon of the 25th June, I sent Nadya to the polyclinic for her Jaundice review. When I sent her in the afternoon, I had not noticed the lump yet. It was only in the evening at 5pm, when I was cleaning her up, I saw IT! Got shocked and immediately alerted Hubby. Decided to send her to my family GP, Dr Elly, at Woodlands Mart.

Upon checking on Nadya, Dr Elly told me that there was nothing she could give as Nadya was very small...She dared not administer any antibiotics on Nadya. Hence, she suggested sending Nadya to the hospital for further review. Therefore, on 26th June, at 10am, accompanied by Mum and sister, sent Nadya to KKH.

After the doctor at KKh examined Nadya, he told me that she had to be admitted into the hospital as a procedure had to be performed on her. So....after checking her into the surgical ward, the ward doctor came to examine her. Then she told me that Nadya would be operated on at 4pm , 6 hours after her last feeding and I was ordered not to feed Nadya anything as she had to fast for the surgery as she would be on GA(General Anaesthesia).

Thus, the surgery was carried out on 26th June, at 8.30pm....18 days after Nadya was born...Since then, I have been going to the polyclinic everyday for her dressing as it is an open wound. It is so heart-wrenching to see her suffer during the cleaning up of the wound. I can imagine how it feels like 'cos I went through it 2 years ago. She will be crying out loud, yet there is nothing much I could do to calm her down.

At the moment, I am just hoping that the wound will heal and close up fast. I can't bear to see the agony that Nadya is going through...

Jun 10, 2008


Yes...This is a post-delivery update....Alhamdulillahirobbil'alameen..., I have finally given birth to a healthy 3.525kg baby girl, who goes with the name...Haney Nadya. She is 48 cm long and her head circumference is 37cm. She is obviously heavier than Hana Atirah and the labour pain was much, much the extent that I was subconscious when I gave birth to her!

I am already home today but Haney Nadya has to be held back because she is down with jaundice and has to go through the photolight therapy till tomorrow 6am...then the doctor will carry out another blood test for her before deciding if she's able to go back home tomorrow...I am praying for her to be back tomorrow 'cos it's gonna be quite tiring going down to TMC everyday as she is on partial breastfeeding..I am trying to breastfeed her as much as I possibly can because for the past 2 days, I realised that she prefers breastfeeding to, even though there's not much milk on my part, I will just let her suckle before I supplement with the formula..better something than nothing, right?

Let me share some photos of her in here...

Just moments after delivery...

The very proud, happy and possessive elder sister with baby sister...

Jun 2, 2008

Latest Pregnancy Update

Well, it's been awhile since I wrote in here, except for some uploading of music video clips that Hubby helped to upload for me.

Just wanna share some updates on my pregnancy. I am 37 weeks along this week. Last week, went to the gynae's for the normal routine check-up. And..he dropped the bombshell to me, telling me that my baby is big, in fact, bigger than Hana when Hana was born. Hana weighed at 3.22kg upon arrival (that was at 40 weeks) into this world...but my second baby has already weighed 3.4kg at 36 my gynae is worried that the baby will grow evern bigger if we were to wait for too long. So my gynae told me to see him again on 9th June and that's when he will decide whether he should induce me or not. He did say that if by 9th June Babyis already weighing 3.6kg or more, then I will have to deliver Baby within that week itself...Come to think of it, it's just next week...Oh my's yet another ordeal of labour pain that I have to go through, which I guess I have not fully recovered from the first round, which was 3 years ago.

Talking about Baby being big, amazingly my weight gain is only 8kg as compared to when I was heavy with Hana. That time, my total weight gain was 13kg and Hana came out at 3.22kg. Now, with lesser weight gain, it's Baby who is heavy. So when I brought this matter up to my gynae, he told me that it's good that I do not gain as much weight as the previous pregnancy as it means that I have lesser to lose after delivery. So when I asked him why is it then my baby is big when my weight gain is not much, he told me this.."You go ask your baby." Can you believe it? Sometimes my gynae can be so irritating to me (even though I am fuilly aware that he is trying to crack a joke) that I just feel like strangling him...

OK...OK...I can understand why he wants to induce me if Baby is too big. Firstly, my gynae is so pro-natural that he doesn't wish for any of his patients to go through C-section unless they ask for it. Secondly, he doesn't want other complications to arise while delivering the baby. You know, things like it's gonna be difficult for Baby to come out if it's too big and what-nots...

And...talking about complications, I am already experiencing a complicated situation right now. Can you just imagine's nearing the delivery time and suddenly, last Saturday, as I was walking around IKEA with Hubby, I suddenly felt my pile slipped out! just slipped out like that and up till matter how many times I try to insert it back, it will still slip out after a moment..and let me share this with's super painful to move about with 'that thing' out of your ANUS! This is the first time I am experiencing such pain. The last time when I had the pile, it wasn't this bad. In fact this time round, it's bigger and it has affected my physical movement and system, in terms of excruciating pains and cramps from waist down! To tell you in detail, in fact, that Saturday when we reached home, I just couldn't move anymore and my legs were literally trembling from the effect of the pile!

Now readers...tell me something nice to perk up my day! I seriously don't know what else to do. Even before I could push Baby out of my tummy, the pile is already out. I wonder what it's gonna be like when the delievery day comes. However, I do hope that this pile will go away soon before I am reeled into the labour suite next week.

Hence, happy waiting for the good news of the arrival of yet, another bundle of joy!

P/s: According to Mum, this pile may be due to my baby weighing down on the womb, thus pushing the pile out. It may be a pregnancy thingy, not a long-term problem. Well, I seriously hope so too 'cos I dont wish to go for an operation to get rid of the pile after delivering the's gonna be a mental and phisycal torture for someone like me who can't endure physical pains at all!

May 31, 2008

The Original Cuppycake Video

so cute and talented...3 yrs old...can u believe it????????

May 30, 2008

over the rainbow...

just doubt about it....

May 8, 2008

Josh Groban Live You raise me up Superbowl NASA Tribute

This is AWESOME! I simply love the lyrics of this song! The back-up singers add more umph to this fantastic song!

David Archuleta - Love Me Tender

He has such great talent!

May 7, 2008

Mother's Day

A tribute to all mothers in the whole universe...That's the day when we celebrate Mother's all those who still have their mothers, this is the day for you to show your gratitude towards her. Show her the TLC.

Well, I strongly believe that there isn't a need for you to spend a bomb just to celebrate Mother's Day...what's important is spending the time with your mother qualitatively, prepare something nice for her at home to enjoy and most importantly, show her your sincerity in wanting to celebrate this special day with her.

I also believe that everyday is Mother's Day 'cos no matter where you are, what you are, whether you are married or still single, you can never ever find the love that you mother has showered you all these while. You see, even when you are married, you are still the 'baby' in your mother's eyes so she will constantly worry about your wellbeing and there are times that she will have the tendency to interfere in your life just to make sure that everything turns out fine for you and your family...

So, treasure you mother while she's still alive. Love her whole-heartedly before she closes her eyes. Give her joy and happiness before she leaves you forever....

To my Mom, Mdm Hamidah......Happy Mother's Day! There are no words to truely express my love, appreciation and gratitude to you for all that you have done for me from the time I was born till today.

To all Mothers out there....Have an enjoyable Mother's Day celebration with your children!

May 2, 2008

Another Trip to the Gynae's

Today went to see my gynae for yet another appointment. Appointment was at 10.35a.m. but ended up seeing him at 11.10a.m. as there were many patients. Well, it's understood as yesterday was a public holiday so most of the cases were either pushed to today or tomorrow.

As usual, Gynae asked all the routine questions and as usual too, I answered them. Just that this time, I had to tell him of the frequent contractions that I have been having lately and my recurring fever. He then prescribed a medication for me to consume for at least 2 weeks to control my contractions as he doesn't want the baby to come out too soon.

By the way, he did another 3-D scan of Baby. It was perfect. I could see Baby's face quite clearly. Baby looked glum in the tummy..Hahahah..I don't know why..maybe because I was hungry during the check-up..Hehehe....cute huh? Never did I expect to see Baby's face so clearly. Even Hubby and Hana were excited.

Well, I am already into my 33rd week of today Gynae had prepared the admission letter into the hospital for me. He had also warned me that there is a high possibility that Baby may come out earlier than the EDD. So he wants to me to be prepared from now on.

Guess, I'd better do as he says. Hmm.....

Hopefully I will have the time to write in here before I really go into LABOUR!

Till then, God Bless...

Apr 28, 2008


Uwaa.....I simply don't understand what's going on with my life. Can you believe it? I have been down with fever for a week plus now! And, my MC is till 2nd May.

The symptoms are the same as when I was pregnant with Hana. The last trimester was very challenging for me. This time around, it's exactly similar. Frequent vomitting and diarrhoea in the middle of the night with recurring fever. However, I think this pregnancy is just a bit more challenging. Not only the vomitting and diarrhoea are rather persistent, I have been suffering from terrible muscular aches on the back, going all the way to the lower left side of my body. Due to the constant pain, I am unable to sleep at night!

Anyway, I will be seeing my gynae this Friday. I am going to pour out my grievances to him and see what he has to offer to reduce the pain.

For now, I guess I just have to continue to bear with it, even if it means squabbling with Hubby very night, asking him to massage my legs! Hahaha.....

Apr 16, 2008

Celine Dion - My heart will go on

I love this song. Enjoyzzz....

Hana's Cute cum Amusing Imitation

In this video, Hana imitated the Malaysian artiste, Azean Irdawaty in the drama 'Aisha 50-sen'. Well, of course it's not a fantastic or perfect imitation but she TRIED! Hahahaha...Hopefully Hana managed to put a smile on your faces...Cheers!


Piles! What piles? Piles! Yes, piles!

You know, the one that you will end up getting if you push too hard while passing motion or your stool is hard due to constipation? you getting the picture? if you are still unsure of what I am referring to, get backto me personally and I shall explain it to you...Hahahah...

But, whatever it is, this is topic for today. Why do I suddenly wanna talk about piles? Don't I have anything better to talk about? Well, obviously it's for a reason and that reason is ME!

Uwaa....I just want to pour out my feelings here. I have this lump, known as pile, half-sticking out of my anus! I apologise if this sounds gross but it's something to share, though. It's since Monday night. Surprisingly, I haven't been having constipation nor my stool has been hard lately. In fact, I was having diarrhoea on Monday andthe stool was watery and in fact, I wasn't even trying very hard to push my stool out of the system. So, if it wasn't a hard stool and I wasn't pushing as if I was giving birth, why did the pile come out? Can someone help me out here?

Today is already Wednesday and the stupid lump is still there. Do you know how uncomfortable it can be? I have tried ways and means to push it back in but it keeps slipping out again! Arrgghhh...anyway, thinking back, I started to develop this pile issue ever since I gave birth to Hana. No..I am not blaming anyone here, especially Hana. What I am trying to say is, maybe when I was delivering Hana, I pushed too hard that 3 days after I gave birth to her, I realised that I had problems sitting down properly. So I checked and I discovered that the pile was out! That was my first experience with piles. So, a week after my delivery, I went back to my gynae for a routine post-delivery check-up. I told him about the pile and he prescribed me with a jelly-like medication to apply on the pile so that it woud slip back in. Since then, no more piles till now!

I have heard of people going for surgeries to remove the pile and it's something which is unpleasant 'cos from what they told me, it's difficult to sit on the bum and it's even more torturous when you need to pass motion. Oh me please. Let me out of this misery and I am praying that this pile thingy is just a passing phase which is a part of my pregnancy!

Apr 15, 2008

Early Preparation

I am now in the midst of preparing all the necessities for the BIG DAY. For those of you who know what I mean....although I have about 2 more months to go before the due date, let me share something with you. I have to do the preparations 'cos I have been having some false alarms for the past 4 days. I really hope that the day won't come so soon...let's wait till it's mature enough to be delivered into this world.

Most of the things are ready. Most probably I will get the NB diapers this weekend. As for the milk formula, I shall wait till darling baby is out of my tummy. In terms of clothes, yesterday I went through all the clothes previously worn by Hana....I am proud to say that about 90% of them are in very good condition because Hubby and I bought lots of clothes for Hana that she only wore most of them either once or twice, hence the good condition of all those clothes. Therefore, there isn't a need for Hubby and me to shop for daily wear for Baby.

Other than that, I guess I am all prepared to go through another phase of life-threatening moment when the time comes. I do hope with the Zam Zam water that I have been drinking and the never-stopping prayers and Zikr to Allah will help smoothen the whole delivery process, InsyaAllah.

Apr 3, 2008

Another Check-Up

Today went for another check-up at my gynae's. I am so happy because he did a 3D scan of my beautiful baby. During my first pregnancy, I did not get to see Hana in a 3D image but this time, I am glad that my gynae did it for me.

It seems so real...but unfortunately, the picture was not that clear as Baby was not positioned in such a way that the image would be captured well.

Gynae promised to do another 3D scan on my next visit.

Till then....I am waiting in anticipation!

P/s: Prayer, prayer and more prayer till the BIG DAY arrives!

Apr 2, 2008

Building Moral Intelligence - Essential Virtue 1

Identifying with and feeling other people's concerns.

There are 3 steps to building empathy:-

Step 1:- Foster awareness and an emotional vocabulary.

- Tune in to your child's feelings and listen with empathy; listening calmly to your child with your ears, eyes and heart. Tune in to his/her body language

- Acknowledge what is causing the emotion; acknowledge what situation is causing your child to feel the way he/she does.

- Label how the child is feeling; label the emotion and say it back to her. It may sound simple but it validates that you understand how he's/she's feeling. For many children, just knowing that you understand can be very healing. It also helps your child to develop a stronger emotional vocabulary.

- Kindle a resolution for the child's needs; help your child resolve his/her emotional needs.

Step 2:- Enhance sensitivity to the feelings of others.

- Praise sensitive, kind actions; one of the most effective ways of enhancing a behaviour is by reinforcing the action as soon as it happens. Whenever you notice your child behaves in a sensitive, caring manner, let him/her know how pleased that makes you feel.

- Show the effect of sensitivity; sensitive, kind acts - evens mall ones- can make a big difference in people's lives, hence point it out t your child to help him/her see the impact his/her actions made.

- Draw attention to non-verbal feeling cues; point out facial expressions, posture and mannerisms of people in different emotional states. It sensitizes your child to ther people's feelings.

- Ask often, "How does he feel?"; ask your child to ponder how another person feels.

- Use the formula "feels + needs"; ask children questions to help them discover people's needs and feelings.

- Share why you feel the way you do; use situations as they arise to describe how you feel about them and why.

Step 3:- Develop empathy for another person's point of view

- Switch roles to feel the other side; the next time there's conflict between siblings, between your child and a friend or between you and your child, ask each participant to stop and think how the other person would feel if the roles were reversed. Then ask each person to talk about the problems as if he/she were teh other person

- Walk in my shoes; ask your child to step into your shoes and pretend that he/she is you. This helps your child to understand how the other person is feeling about a situation.

- Imagine how the person feels; get your child to imagine how the other person feels about a specific circumstance.


What's life without happiness, sadness, anger, humour, humiliation, depression, etc...???

Mar 31, 2008

It's Acting Up Again

Oh yes, it's acting up again. What is? It's Hana's asthma has definitely convinced me that Hana is suffering from ASTHMA, and not just BRONCHIOLITIS as she is WHEEZING!
Yesterday Hubby had to send her to our family GP as she had problems breathing and of course, wheezing. She was put on the nebuliser and oxygen. Then, she was given 3 different types of medication for the air passageway, congested lungs and wheezing.Hm....frankly speaking, we have been very careful with Hana's diet, especially when it comes to consuming snacks. All those snacks that cause allergy to her lungs have been stopped ever since she was hospitalised earlier this year. I am not sure what triggered the attack this time around.
Whatever it is, we just can't afford to admit her into the hospital now as Hubby has difficulties getting leave from his work as work is piling up. As for me, with my current condition, there is no way that I can ever sleep on the hard lazy chair of the ward to accompany my daughter. As for my mother, there is no way for her to take care of Hana at the hospital as she is also caring for another grandchild. Oh dear....maybe..I have to get Dad to do the caregiving if Hana is admitted into the hospital.Let's see...Hana is still on the medication given by my GP...which started only yesterday evening. Including this morning it's only the second dosage of the medication.
We'll wait and see till this evening. If it doesn't get any better, then off we shoot to KKH!

Mar 7, 2008

Yet Another Check-Up

Seeing my gynae today, appointment is at 1525hrs. Hubby has taken half-day leave to accompany me as I have been feeling rather terrible lately. I think all those cramps are making me crazy, what more with the sleepless nights. I just can't wait for my dearest baby to be born!

Well, some mommies love the feeling of being pregnant, feeling the baby moving in the tummy. However, as for me, since this is a difficult pregnancy, how I wish I could just cut my tummy, put it aside, let the baby grow to full term before I attach it back to my body to deliver it. Hahaha....yeah...yeah...wishful thinking! That could never happen, could it?

Neeway, let's wait and see what my gynae has got to say during today's check-up. Will update you peepz soon!

Till then, may the force be with you.....

Mar 5, 2008

More Photos to Share

Here are some recent photos taken of Hana at various places...

Pictures above: Hana at Angsana Shopping Centre in JB

Top: My daughter cum maid....such busybody..Mummy wants to vacuum the floor, she wants to do it too.
Bottom: Hana in the bus service 81, eating french fries

Above: Hana is cooking fish head curry

Above: Product of Hana's cooking....

Cramps 'N' More Cramps 'N' More Activities

I have been experiencing severe cramps lately but not too worry, it's not that kind of cramp or pain whereby you know that you are going to give birth...I don't think it's that soon although my gynae did mention that it might be a pre-term baby. However, I am praying hard that my beloved baby will wait for the actual time to burst out of my tummy. Hahaahaha....

Now, talking about that, let me share my experience with you guys. Unlike the time period when I was carrying Hana, this time around, I am having problems sleeping at night as the cramps usually attack in the middle of the night between 2 and 5am. So..can you imagine me, sitting up in bed, unable to sleep, getting frustrated seeing Hubby sleep like a log? Eventually, got to disturb Hubby and wake him up from his sleep just to make sure that he himself doesn't sleep since I can't sleep! Selfish huh? What to do...

For the time being, just resting at home, having Hana with me, getting her to do her weekly homework and trying to teach her the letters of the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colours and some Arabic languages that she is learning in school. All these are being done on a daily basis. Of course when it comes to doing just a page of homework, Hana will always have excuses not to complete her assignment. I have to do lots of coaxing and pleading just to get her to complete her task. Same goes with learning the letters of the alphabet, numbers, colours and shapes...there is no way that she can sit still and learn...hence, I have to play pretend with her and carry out many other activities just to teach a certain concept. The terrible part is when she refuses to learn anything and to me, it's like she is not learning anything that has been taught...and....suddenly, out of the blue, while she's doing something else somewhere, she will just blurt out whatever that she had learnt. Just like what happened last weekend. Last week, I introduced the 3 basic shapes; square, circle and triangle. As we were in her uncle's vehicle (her uncle sent us back home), she saw a triangular-shaped object and she just blurted out the word "triangle". Thus, in conclusion, I have learnt not to put too much pressure on my girl, let her learn at her own pace and enjoy every moment with her.

The end...

P/s: Hana is also learning to use the computer. Right now, she is able to play simple educational games on the computer on her own....I guess once she is able to read, she will end up surfing the internet!

Mar 1, 2008

Silence is Golden

My silence all these while doesn't mean that I have been inactive, not checking myown blog. Well, I have been checking my blog constantly and consistently but it's just that I havenot been feeling too good to be spending too much time sitting in front of the computer, typing a long-winded story. Hahaha....till I get wait patiently for the next event in my family's life!

P/S: Actually I do have along complain against Hana's teacher..but I shall save it for the third time in a row for her to make another mistake before I shoot a letter or an e-mail to the Principal!

Feb 21, 2008

Hospitalisation Leave

I am now on Hospitalisation Leave till mid March due to some pre-natal problems. Do hope that I can go back to work after it is, I have to visit my gynae on a weekly basis now for him to monitor my condition....arrrgghhhhh......

Feb 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy V Day, Hubby....and Happy V Day to all the lovebirds out there...well, to me, as long as there is love between you and your other half, everyday is a V Day....Frankly speaking, Hubby and I celebrate our love for each other everyday, without feeling bored of each other's faces...hehehehe.....that's what love is all about....

However, yesterday we still celebrated it outside. The only difference before marriage and after marriage in terms of celebrating such more flowers from Hubby...uwaaaaa.......well, that's alright with me as I am not fond of being given flowers. Chocolates would be a much, much better and well-appreciated option! for yesterday, we did not celebrate V Day as a couple, but with our loved one, Hana. Hubby treated us to Swensens. Since V Day is about celebrating love with your loved ones, we shouldn't neglect least that's how we, husband and wife feel....:-P

Feb 14, 2008

A Week's ML

Was given a week's ML when I went to see my gynae on Monday afternoon for the review of my detailed scan that was carried out on last Saturday. Turned out to be that the placenta is low-lying....Dr Ang hopes that it won't go too low as to cover the opening for delivery. Should that happen, no normal delivery for me go to the operating theatre! So...according to Dr Ang, that explains the frequent cramps and terrible backaches that I have been facing all these while. Hence, the one week ML to let me rest my body...from now heavy workload for me...But whatever it is, Alhamdulillah...all praises to Allah is fine and growing well....and superbly active in my tummy....hehehehe.....As for the gender...let me keep it a secret from all of you...once the baby has arrived into this world...the announcement will be made by both proud parents either via sms, phone call or whatever means we feel like using....but for now...happy waiting!

Feb 12, 2008

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Hope that this wish doesn't come too late. Wishing all my Chinese friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

What did my family do during the long break? Nothing much...Couldn't go anywhere as we did not do early bookings for hotels in Malaysia. Thought of just going to Malaysia but due to no room available, ended up staying in Singapore, spending quality time with beloved family.

On the day of CNY, had a steamboat session at Mum's place. Had a ravishing time, filled our tummies with great food. As for dessert, darling sister prepared a big bowl of fruit cocktail, topped with longan and lychee. Hmm..the sad part was, Mum did not have the time to prepare the custard pudding to go with the, it was just fruit cocktail, minus the pudding.

Feb 9, 2008

Hospitalisation Stay

After my last post on the 24th January, Hana was complaining of stomach pain. Yes, she had been having constipation for previous week. The first time I brought her to my family doctor on Sunday, 20th January, he had inserted the Mycolax lubricant into Hana's anus to ease the passing of the motion. Well, she did pass motion about 10 minutes after the insertion but it was a difficult process 'cos the stool was HARD! Then, she passed motion again, on Tuesday, again with a hard stool but according to my mother, who was taking care of her then, she only passed out just a littles bit of stool. I guess it was painful so she refused to push it out. So....she did not pass motion all the way till Friday, 25th January. When that happened, I brought her to MOm's place 'cos MOm was keeping her constipation medication. After giving her the medication, it did not help to ease the passing of the motion. Infact, Hana was complaining of pain every few minutes. On top of that, she was also coughing very badly. Hence, when she complained that she was in pain and when I asked her where the pain was, she merely pointed to the stomach.

Being very worried that she could not pass motion for a few days already, I decided to send Hana to KKH on that day itself, 25th January. Since Hubby was working, I had to send her there alone as Mom had to tend to Adam. Thus, at 3.30pm, off we went to KKH Children's Emergency Department. Upon reaching there, Alhamdulillah, I was glad and thankful to Allah to realise that there was no queue at all at the Triage area. My former neighbour's niece, Ijah, was on duty. The moment she saw me alighting from the taxi, she immediately helped me out with the triage. After explaining to her what the matter was, Ijah carried out a few procedures. Know, what???? I was shocked when she told me that Hana's oxygen level in the lungs and body was very, very low and it was considered an emergency case. She immediately brought the daughter and Mummy to the review room and paged for the doctor to attend to Hana. To my SURPRISE, 5 doctors and 5 nurses attended to one small, 2 and a half year old girl! I was speechless as they had to give her 20 puffs of the ventolin and another kind of puff just to help her breathe. Of course...Hana was crying profusely as such incident had never ever happened to her. I simply allowed the medical team do whatever that had to be done to help Hana.

Then, Hana was sent for an X-ray, before being sent to the observation room. After the X-ray report was out, the doctor-in-charge came to inform me that Hana's lungs were very congested, causing her to be breathless and wheezing. The news came...she had to be admitted for further observation as the oxygen level was still low, standing at 90. So...admission process was done and by 6.30p.m., thank goodness Hubby had arrived, Hana was wheeled into her ward, with the oxygen tube attached to her nose.

Her 3-day stay at the hospital was a memorable one for her as we had taken some shots there. Not only that, I guess it's memorable thanks to the nurses who kept coming in to give her the puff every 1 hour, with the oxygen tube attached to her nose and the heart rate monitor attached to her toe for the entire stay. That meant...Hana was not allowed to leave the bed! Due to super boredom, we had to entertain her by taking photos every now and then.

Once the photos are uploaded into the computer, I will post them in here. Till then, I have to get going now as I have an appointment at TMC for my detailed scan. See you guys soon!

Jan 24, 2008

Hana in School

This year Hubby and I enrolled Hana into a weekend Playgroup session at Al-Iman Kindergarten, situated at Woodgrove Avenue. It's on every Saturday, from 9am to 12 noon. So far, Hana has been very eager to attend school 'cos I feel that's the time when she gets to mingle with kids of her own age. Usually, she mingles with older children, who are much older than her, being in the age group of between 10 and 13! Hahaha...yes...those are my neighbours' children, whom Hana always calls kaw-kaw and jie-jie.....

Let's look at the assembly session that Hana has to go through in school before she is being dismissed for the day. All the children will gather at the porch area and recite their selawat and supplications on leaving the compound and boarding the vehicle.

Take note: the lady in the red scarf is Hana's teacher, Ustazah Fiza.

Jan 20, 2008

Hana and Cousin, Adam

Here are some photos of Hana and Adam taken at various places, various times. Enjoyz....

Fr top: Woodlands Reg'l Library, Playground

Hana's photos taken at various places
(frm top: Joo Chiat Complex, grandmother's house, Junction 8)
Hana and Adam posing in their bedroom at their grandmother's house.

Hana and Adam engrossed in looking at the pictures in the book. This book has been with me since I was 7 years old!

Adam is getting ready for prayers. Hahahaha....look at him..he looks like a Kazakhstan man!

Jan 17, 2008

Busy Term 1's a busy term 1. Why? We were supposed to submit a lesson package by 12th January. Then we had the career development plan and learning needs analysis forms to be submitted by 18th January. Everyone in school is rushing his/her way through amidst the busy schedule of teaching and preparing teaching materials. I don't think I'm able to write so much in here for now as I am also rushing to complete the last bit of my career development plan form.
Hence, will try to find time to write more in detail about life in school soon.

Jan 7, 2008

Beginning of Term's the 2nd week of the school term and's expected that things are going according to plans(most of it, though). However, seems that I am busier than usual this time around...I don't know why...or is it because I feel more tired now and that's the reason why I feel that I am busier? all I know is...everytime I enter the class, I must have my bottle of sour plums or at least a few sweets in my pencil case, in case I suddenly feel giddy and drowsy. Thank goodness I have a class of very undertsanding pupils who seem to care for my condition the moment I asked to be excused should I start munching on my sour plums. Initially they were quite taken aback but after telling them that I am preggy, they turned out be the best lot of pupils I ever had for the past 7 years! Hopefully the teacher-pupil relationship will continue to grow with great respect and love for one another.

Oh. I just love my Primary 4E!

Jan 2, 2008

The Time Has Come...

...for me to wish all of you a
blessedwith great happiness, prosperity and good health!