Nov 15, 2008

Yet Another Stay

On Thursday evening, upon reaching home from school, Hubby and I found Hana lying on the floor in front of the door. We thought she was sleeping there but it turned out to be that she was actually feeling very sick. We found out that she was gasping for air and wheezing rather badly.

Hubby immediately administered the ventolin inhaler on her but throughout the night, there was no improvement. Finally we decided to send her to the hospital's Children's Emergency Department. The oxygen level in her body was below 90! After further administering of the ventolin, her oxygen level only went up to 93...still an unacceptable level for her. Thus, the decision by the senior doctor to admit her into the ward for further observation.
According to the senior doctor, Hana is currently suffering from persistent asthma. Therefore, after being discharged from the hospital, the specialist will arrange for more follow-up sessions at the specialist clinic.

Till then, let's see how long will Hana's stay be this round.

P/s: This is in fact Hana's 3rd hospitalisation stay for the year. Do hope there will be no more stays for her in the future.


Helmi said...

From the picture, her face was very pale.

katz said...

I'm very sorry for ur child's condition. I hope & pray she's recovering everyday.
I pun dah lama tak blog or online sangat cos i'm pregnant with baby no.2 now.
So lots of things kept me busy also.
You know my hubby's friend baru aje came over our house to demo a product, a air-purifier cum vacumn (Rainbow brand)to us.

It's totally useful for asthma patients & those with children. Helps to purify the house air and get rid of the dusts in the house & beds.

I find it useful and gonna purchase it after our baby is born.
But was wondering kalau u interested i bole macam suruh he demo at ur house?
Don't worry i bukan selling product tu. i not a member either.
Cuma just wondering if u wanna see cos this product is recommended by Doctor.
His anak pun sakit asthma..

K lah banyak pulak i type ni.
Kalau u just nak increase knowledge about it, u contact me.
I can't leava my number here but just leave me email maybe?
I pun ada Friendster :

Take care k!

Wani said...

Kak Shidah, blog ni macam dah collect dust jer. Update lah sikit.. Nanti wani uploadkan gambar diorang yang wani ada and send k. Btw, tolong re-link saya at sebab yang friendster account tu dah tak pakai lagi. =)