Aug 24, 2007

Hana's 2nd Birthday Celebration

On the 11th of August 2007, we celebrated Hana's 2nd birthday. Started off with some prayers, in conjunction with Prophet Muhammad's birthday. After the 2-hour long prayer, we started the cake-cutting ceremony.

Hana was overjoyed as all her cousins were there to celebrate this joyous occasion with her. It wasn't a grand celebration. We only invited family members, close relatives and neighbours. So to my friends out there, please don't be offended for not being invited. We had a bashing birthday celebration for Hana last yearand all of you were part of it. So this year, we thought of doing something simple only.

Although simple, Mom ended up cooking so many dishes and my god-sisters, thanks to them, came with various kinds of desserts. Mom-in-law contributed a carton of longans!

Now, let's enjoy some more photos taken during the celebration.

P/s: Next year, not going to have the celebration at home. Hmm....maybe we shall just treat our family members to dinner at some restaurant, Insya-Allah...

Aug 18, 2007


Well, I was supposed to continue uploading Hana's photos in this blog but unfortunately, on the 9th of August, my computer went bust! I was so, so mad 'cos I was in the midst of uploading the pictures when suddenly it started lagging and BAM! There went my chance of uploading all the wonderful cute pictures of my princess.

Then came the time when I was so busy preparing for Hana's 2nd birthday bash. Too busy that I didn't have the time to send my CPU for repair. On top of that, Hubby was super busy working, having to do OT almost everyday so he couldn't send it to the shop. Hmm...don't expect me to carry the CPU to the shop....I don't have the strength to do so.

In my next entry, I shall share with you more details pertaining to Hana's birthday party. All I can say now is, it was marvellous, wonderful, fantastic and full of fun, with lots of food to savour! Wanna know more?? Well, please wait for my next entry which will be quite soon!

Till then, may Allah bless all of us, Ameen...

P/s: Hubby, don't forget that we have a function to attend to later this evening. See you at Jurong.

Aug 8, 2007

Enjoy Viewing Hana's Photos

Welcome to the life of Hana Atirah. Let me show a sneak preview of my princess from the time she was born till she turned 2 on 2nd August...Enjoyzzz..........

1st August 2005, 10.30p.m.....I admitted myself to TMC to get ready to be induced by Dr Ang.

2nd August 2005, 9.00a.m....I was wheeled to the Labour ward to be monitored, after Dr Ang had broken my waterbag...then the real pain started...

2nd August 2005, at 5.08p.m...Hana Atirah was brought into this world...assisted by vacuum.

Look at the cute baby.....just minutes after she was born....

3 and a half hours after Hana was born, she was wheeled into my ward, after being cleaned up by the nurses at the nursery.
3rd August 2005, 10.00a.m.....Hana was sound asleep in my ward, waiting for her grandparents to arrive to see her for the first time.

Back at my Mom's place, for confinement. Hana was bathed by the masseus, kak Ana.

28 days after Hana was born, brought her to Darul Ghufran Mosque for the 'Head Shaving' ceremony.

Tadaa.....the new Hana after her head been shaved clean...

Hana just a few months old...sleeping soundly...must be dreaming of some wonderful angels...that's why smiling away.

Hana was crying for help...first time sitting independently.

First time holding own food...yeay!!!!

Well, there's more to be uploaded. When time permits, I shall upload more of Hana's photos.

Hola...(Spanish for 'Hello')

This is my little princess, who had just turned 2 on 2nd August 2007.
Hi's my first time trying out blogspot as I have been so used to using Yahoo 360! Well, thanks to some useful students of mine, I am now able to have more than 1 blog site! Hahah..not trying to be greedy but simply wanting to explore the various avenues for blogging.

Hmm...since this is my first entry, I shall not bore with you with mundane details. Will update you peepz with more interesting happenings and going-ons as time passes by.

Till then, wishing Singapore a Happy 42nd Birthday! To all Singaporeans, enjoy the holiday! To all my students, have fun over the long weekend but don't ever forget to revise, especially those sitting for PSLE!