Aug 24, 2007

Hana's 2nd Birthday Celebration

On the 11th of August 2007, we celebrated Hana's 2nd birthday. Started off with some prayers, in conjunction with Prophet Muhammad's birthday. After the 2-hour long prayer, we started the cake-cutting ceremony.

Hana was overjoyed as all her cousins were there to celebrate this joyous occasion with her. It wasn't a grand celebration. We only invited family members, close relatives and neighbours. So to my friends out there, please don't be offended for not being invited. We had a bashing birthday celebration for Hana last yearand all of you were part of it. So this year, we thought of doing something simple only.

Although simple, Mom ended up cooking so many dishes and my god-sisters, thanks to them, came with various kinds of desserts. Mom-in-law contributed a carton of longans!

Now, let's enjoy some more photos taken during the celebration.

P/s: Next year, not going to have the celebration at home. Hmm....maybe we shall just treat our family members to dinner at some restaurant, Insya-Allah...


Helmi said...

Wah, Hana so cute. And your family is so close together, what with the mass-karaoke, hehe.

Anonymous said...

Well, far I should say that we are rather closely-knitted and hopefully it will remain so till the end of life. Most important key...respect each person for who they are...yeehaaaa.....!