Jul 30, 2008

Shahidah says...

she's finally here. She joined us on Saturday, 26th July and ever since she's here, I have more time to be with my princesses, not having to worry about the mess that Hana creates, about cooking the daily meals and rushing to entertain Nadya who always cries for attention. I can even enjoy my bath moments!

I am glad and thankful to Allah for sending me this assistant and hopefully, she will do a good job and thus, stay with us for the whole 2-year contract!

Jul 26, 2008

It's a...

...tiring day. And the best part is....I can't sleep! The moment I close my eyes, my thoughts will wander off.

Jul 25, 2008

The Maid

My new maid is arriving...

Jul 12, 2008

A Tiring Day

Today both girls tested my patience, be it the elder or the BABY! I don't know what was going on in their minds..both girls wanted constant attention from me the whole day...till Hubby came back from work when Hana finally detached herself from me to be with Daddy...Finally I managed to break free..but for just a little wee bit as I still had my darling Haney to attend to.

Though I am feeling super-tired now, I just can't go to sleep. Maybe after browsing the net, I will FORCE myself to go to bed!

Jul 9, 2008

Tahnik and Head-Shaving Ceremony

Similar to what Hana Atirah went through 3 years ago, Haney Nadya went through the Tahnik and Head-Shaving Ceremony at Darul Ghufran Mosque on Saturday, 5th July 2008, 26 days after birth. It was the same ustaz who carried out the ceremony. Here are some photos of the ceremony.

The Tahnik....honey was put in the mouth.

The head-shaving begins...

After reciting some prayers specially for Haney, Ustaz gave Hana a chance to kiss her beloved sister.

Jul 8, 2008

Wound Update

An update on Nadya's surgical wound......it has finally closed up! Alhamdulillah....I am totally relieved that Nadya is doing well and that there isn't a need for us to go back and forth the polyclinic everyday for the dressing.

However, we do have an appointment with Nadya's surgeon, Dr Amos Loh, on 14th July for a follow-up review. At the same time, he will inform us of the results of the biopsy that was done. Praying for good news from him.

Jul 2, 2008


Haven't got the time to share wonderful stories in here. It's because I have been super busy caring for my dear, dear Baby Haney Nadya. On her 17th day into this cruel world, I noticed a lump on her left axillary. To think that in the afternoon of the 25th June, I sent Nadya to the polyclinic for her Jaundice review. When I sent her in the afternoon, I had not noticed the lump yet. It was only in the evening at 5pm, when I was cleaning her up, I saw IT! Got shocked and immediately alerted Hubby. Decided to send her to my family GP, Dr Elly, at Woodlands Mart.

Upon checking on Nadya, Dr Elly told me that there was nothing she could give as Nadya was very small...She dared not administer any antibiotics on Nadya. Hence, she suggested sending Nadya to the hospital for further review. Therefore, on 26th June, at 10am, accompanied by Mum and sister, sent Nadya to KKH.

After the doctor at KKh examined Nadya, he told me that she had to be admitted into the hospital as a procedure had to be performed on her. So....after checking her into the surgical ward, the ward doctor came to examine her. Then she told me that Nadya would be operated on at 4pm , 6 hours after her last feeding and I was ordered not to feed Nadya anything as she had to fast for the surgery as she would be on GA(General Anaesthesia).

Thus, the surgery was carried out on 26th June, at 8.30pm....18 days after Nadya was born...Since then, I have been going to the polyclinic everyday for her dressing as it is an open wound. It is so heart-wrenching to see her suffer during the cleaning up of the wound. I can imagine how it feels like 'cos I went through it 2 years ago. She will be crying out loud, yet there is nothing much I could do to calm her down.

At the moment, I am just hoping that the wound will heal and close up fast. I can't bear to see the agony that Nadya is going through...