Apr 28, 2008


Uwaa.....I simply don't understand what's going on with my life. Can you believe it? I have been down with fever for a week plus now! And, my MC is till 2nd May.

The symptoms are the same as when I was pregnant with Hana. The last trimester was very challenging for me. This time around, it's exactly similar. Frequent vomitting and diarrhoea in the middle of the night with recurring fever. However, I think this pregnancy is just a bit more challenging. Not only the vomitting and diarrhoea are rather persistent, I have been suffering from terrible muscular aches on the back, going all the way to the lower left side of my body. Due to the constant pain, I am unable to sleep at night!

Anyway, I will be seeing my gynae this Friday. I am going to pour out my grievances to him and see what he has to offer to reduce the pain.

For now, I guess I just have to continue to bear with it, even if it means squabbling with Hubby very night, asking him to massage my legs! Hahaha.....

Apr 16, 2008

Celine Dion - My heart will go on

I love this song. Enjoyzzz....

Hana's Cute cum Amusing Imitation

In this video, Hana imitated the Malaysian artiste, Azean Irdawaty in the drama 'Aisha 50-sen'. Well, of course it's not a fantastic or perfect imitation but she TRIED! Hahahaha...Hopefully Hana managed to put a smile on your faces...Cheers!


Piles! What piles? Piles! Yes, piles!

You know, the one that you will end up getting if you push too hard while passing motion or your stool is hard due to constipation? Hmm...now...are you getting the picture? if you are still unsure of what I am referring to, get backto me personally and I shall explain it to you...Hahahah...

But, whatever it is, this is topic for today. Why do I suddenly wanna talk about piles? Don't I have anything better to talk about? Well, obviously it's for a reason and that reason is ME!

Uwaa....I just want to pour out my feelings here. I have this lump, known as pile, half-sticking out of my anus! I apologise if this sounds gross but it's something to share, though. It's since Monday night. Surprisingly, I haven't been having constipation nor my stool has been hard lately. In fact, I was having diarrhoea on Monday andthe stool was watery and in fact, I wasn't even trying very hard to push my stool out of the system. So, if it wasn't a hard stool and I wasn't pushing as if I was giving birth, why did the pile come out? Can someone help me out here?

Today is already Wednesday and the stupid lump is still there. Do you know how uncomfortable it can be? I have tried ways and means to push it back in but it keeps slipping out again! Arrgghhh...anyway, thinking back, I started to develop this pile issue ever since I gave birth to Hana. No..I am not blaming anyone here, especially Hana. What I am trying to say is, maybe when I was delivering Hana, I pushed too hard that 3 days after I gave birth to her, I realised that I had problems sitting down properly. So I checked and I discovered that the pile was out! That was my first experience with piles. So, a week after my delivery, I went back to my gynae for a routine post-delivery check-up. I told him about the pile and he prescribed me with a jelly-like medication to apply on the pile so that it woud slip back in. Since then, no more piles till now!

I have heard of people going for surgeries to remove the pile and it's something which is unpleasant 'cos from what they told me, it's difficult to sit on the bum and it's even more torturous when you need to pass motion. Oh God...help me please. Let me out of this misery and I am praying that this pile thingy is just a passing phase which is a part of my pregnancy!

Apr 15, 2008

Early Preparation

I am now in the midst of preparing all the necessities for the BIG DAY. For those of you who know what I mean....although I have about 2 more months to go before the due date, let me share something with you. I have to do the preparations 'cos I have been having some false alarms for the past 4 days. I really hope that the day won't come so soon...let's wait till it's mature enough to be delivered into this world.

Most of the things are ready. Most probably I will get the NB diapers this weekend. As for the milk formula, I shall wait till darling baby is out of my tummy. In terms of clothes, yesterday I went through all the clothes previously worn by Hana....I am proud to say that about 90% of them are in very good condition because Hubby and I bought lots of clothes for Hana that she only wore most of them either once or twice, hence the good condition of all those clothes. Therefore, there isn't a need for Hubby and me to shop for daily wear for Baby.

Other than that, I guess I am all prepared to go through another phase of life-threatening moment when the time comes. I do hope with the Zam Zam water that I have been drinking and the never-stopping prayers and Zikr to Allah will help smoothen the whole delivery process, InsyaAllah.

Apr 3, 2008

Another Check-Up

Today went for another check-up at my gynae's. I am so happy because he did a 3D scan of my beautiful baby. During my first pregnancy, I did not get to see Hana in a 3D image but this time, I am glad that my gynae did it for me.

It seems so real...but unfortunately, the picture was not that clear as Baby was not positioned in such a way that the image would be captured well.

Gynae promised to do another 3D scan on my next visit.

Till then....I am waiting in anticipation!

P/s: Prayer, prayer and more prayer till the BIG DAY arrives!

Apr 2, 2008

Building Moral Intelligence - Essential Virtue 1

Identifying with and feeling other people's concerns.

There are 3 steps to building empathy:-

Step 1:- Foster awareness and an emotional vocabulary.

- Tune in to your child's feelings and listen with empathy; listening calmly to your child with your ears, eyes and heart. Tune in to his/her body language

- Acknowledge what is causing the emotion; acknowledge what situation is causing your child to feel the way he/she does.

- Label how the child is feeling; label the emotion and say it back to her. It may sound simple but it validates that you understand how he's/she's feeling. For many children, just knowing that you understand can be very healing. It also helps your child to develop a stronger emotional vocabulary.

- Kindle a resolution for the child's needs; help your child resolve his/her emotional needs.

Step 2:- Enhance sensitivity to the feelings of others.

- Praise sensitive, kind actions; one of the most effective ways of enhancing a behaviour is by reinforcing the action as soon as it happens. Whenever you notice your child behaves in a sensitive, caring manner, let him/her know how pleased that makes you feel.

- Show the effect of sensitivity; sensitive, kind acts - evens mall ones- can make a big difference in people's lives, hence point it out t your child to help him/her see the impact his/her actions made.

- Draw attention to non-verbal feeling cues; point out facial expressions, posture and mannerisms of people in different emotional states. It sensitizes your child to ther people's feelings.

- Ask often, "How does he feel?"; ask your child to ponder how another person feels.

- Use the formula "feels + needs"; ask children questions to help them discover people's needs and feelings.

- Share why you feel the way you do; use situations as they arise to describe how you feel about them and why.

Step 3:- Develop empathy for another person's point of view

- Switch roles to feel the other side; the next time there's conflict between siblings, between your child and a friend or between you and your child, ask each participant to stop and think how the other person would feel if the roles were reversed. Then ask each person to talk about the problems as if he/she were teh other person

- Walk in my shoes; ask your child to step into your shoes and pretend that he/she is you. This helps your child to understand how the other person is feeling about a situation.

- Imagine how the person feels; get your child to imagine how the other person feels about a specific circumstance.


What's life without happiness, sadness, anger, humour, humiliation, depression, etc...???