Apr 15, 2008

Early Preparation

I am now in the midst of preparing all the necessities for the BIG DAY. For those of you who know what I mean....although I have about 2 more months to go before the due date, let me share something with you. I have to do the preparations 'cos I have been having some false alarms for the past 4 days. I really hope that the day won't come so soon...let's wait till it's mature enough to be delivered into this world.

Most of the things are ready. Most probably I will get the NB diapers this weekend. As for the milk formula, I shall wait till darling baby is out of my tummy. In terms of clothes, yesterday I went through all the clothes previously worn by Hana....I am proud to say that about 90% of them are in very good condition because Hubby and I bought lots of clothes for Hana that she only wore most of them either once or twice, hence the good condition of all those clothes. Therefore, there isn't a need for Hubby and me to shop for daily wear for Baby.

Other than that, I guess I am all prepared to go through another phase of life-threatening moment when the time comes. I do hope with the Zam Zam water that I have been drinking and the never-stopping prayers and Zikr to Allah will help smoothen the whole delivery process, InsyaAllah.

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