Sep 29, 2008

Salam Eidulfitri...

Here's wishing all my brothers and sisters in Islam 'Eid Mubarak'! May this day bring tonnes of joyness to you and family.

Taking this opportunity to also wish all my pupils a Happy Children's Day and do, do enjoy the break!

Lots of kisses from Mrs Suhaimi!

Sep 15, 2008

Cookie-Baking Marathon

Last weekend I started baking cookies for Hari Raya. It was a real marathon as I managed to bake 4 differenttypes of cookies formy regular customers, Mum and myself! It was super tiring but I totally had no choice as being in the faternoon session, I am rushed for time. Well, there's still more cookie-baking to be done this coming weekend. The more tedious ones like 'makmur' and pineapple tarts, the ones that customers order in hundreds!

I have yet to bake more M&M's cookies as I intend to give my pupils those cookies for Children's Day. Whatever it is, let's wait and see whether it really materialises or not as I may not have the time to do extra baking on top of what I am supposed to do. Worse comes to worse, I'll just get a little gift for the kiddies....

Sep 8, 2008

Your mother Yusuf Islam and children

Ustaz Akhil Hayy - Zikir Munajjat (LIVE at BACHOK)

It's a Fresh Start

Today marked a fresh start for me in school after my maternity leave. It was indeed a mixed feelings of happiness and dreadfulness. Happy because I finally get to go back to work, a great escape from my 'monstrous' daughter, Hana, who has been fantastically testing my patience ever since Nadya was born exactly 3 months ago. It was a dread because I just could not bear to leave Nadya at home. I guess the bond between Nadya and me is in fact much greater and deeper as compared to the bonding I have with Hana.

On the experience being back in school the first day...rating from 1 to 10, with 1 being horribly horrible and 10 being fantastically overwhelming, I shall rate my returning to work as 7! Don't bother asking me why 'cos I will definitely not be able to tell you the definite reason...Hahahaha...crazy huh? I guess I am..thanks to the overwhelming workload that is awaiting me for the next 10 weeks!

Welcome back to working life, Shahidah!