Mar 31, 2008

It's Acting Up Again

Oh yes, it's acting up again. What is? It's Hana's asthma has definitely convinced me that Hana is suffering from ASTHMA, and not just BRONCHIOLITIS as she is WHEEZING!
Yesterday Hubby had to send her to our family GP as she had problems breathing and of course, wheezing. She was put on the nebuliser and oxygen. Then, she was given 3 different types of medication for the air passageway, congested lungs and wheezing.Hm....frankly speaking, we have been very careful with Hana's diet, especially when it comes to consuming snacks. All those snacks that cause allergy to her lungs have been stopped ever since she was hospitalised earlier this year. I am not sure what triggered the attack this time around.
Whatever it is, we just can't afford to admit her into the hospital now as Hubby has difficulties getting leave from his work as work is piling up. As for me, with my current condition, there is no way that I can ever sleep on the hard lazy chair of the ward to accompany my daughter. As for my mother, there is no way for her to take care of Hana at the hospital as she is also caring for another grandchild. Oh dear....maybe..I have to get Dad to do the caregiving if Hana is admitted into the hospital.Let's see...Hana is still on the medication given by my GP...which started only yesterday evening. Including this morning it's only the second dosage of the medication.
We'll wait and see till this evening. If it doesn't get any better, then off we shoot to KKH!

Mar 7, 2008

Yet Another Check-Up

Seeing my gynae today, appointment is at 1525hrs. Hubby has taken half-day leave to accompany me as I have been feeling rather terrible lately. I think all those cramps are making me crazy, what more with the sleepless nights. I just can't wait for my dearest baby to be born!

Well, some mommies love the feeling of being pregnant, feeling the baby moving in the tummy. However, as for me, since this is a difficult pregnancy, how I wish I could just cut my tummy, put it aside, let the baby grow to full term before I attach it back to my body to deliver it. Hahaha....yeah...yeah...wishful thinking! That could never happen, could it?

Neeway, let's wait and see what my gynae has got to say during today's check-up. Will update you peepz soon!

Till then, may the force be with you.....

Mar 5, 2008

More Photos to Share

Here are some recent photos taken of Hana at various places...

Pictures above: Hana at Angsana Shopping Centre in JB

Top: My daughter cum maid....such busybody..Mummy wants to vacuum the floor, she wants to do it too.
Bottom: Hana in the bus service 81, eating french fries

Above: Hana is cooking fish head curry

Above: Product of Hana's cooking....

Cramps 'N' More Cramps 'N' More Activities

I have been experiencing severe cramps lately but not too worry, it's not that kind of cramp or pain whereby you know that you are going to give birth...I don't think it's that soon although my gynae did mention that it might be a pre-term baby. However, I am praying hard that my beloved baby will wait for the actual time to burst out of my tummy. Hahaahaha....

Now, talking about that, let me share my experience with you guys. Unlike the time period when I was carrying Hana, this time around, I am having problems sleeping at night as the cramps usually attack in the middle of the night between 2 and 5am. So..can you imagine me, sitting up in bed, unable to sleep, getting frustrated seeing Hubby sleep like a log? Eventually, got to disturb Hubby and wake him up from his sleep just to make sure that he himself doesn't sleep since I can't sleep! Selfish huh? What to do...

For the time being, just resting at home, having Hana with me, getting her to do her weekly homework and trying to teach her the letters of the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colours and some Arabic languages that she is learning in school. All these are being done on a daily basis. Of course when it comes to doing just a page of homework, Hana will always have excuses not to complete her assignment. I have to do lots of coaxing and pleading just to get her to complete her task. Same goes with learning the letters of the alphabet, numbers, colours and shapes...there is no way that she can sit still and learn...hence, I have to play pretend with her and carry out many other activities just to teach a certain concept. The terrible part is when she refuses to learn anything and to me, it's like she is not learning anything that has been taught...and....suddenly, out of the blue, while she's doing something else somewhere, she will just blurt out whatever that she had learnt. Just like what happened last weekend. Last week, I introduced the 3 basic shapes; square, circle and triangle. As we were in her uncle's vehicle (her uncle sent us back home), she saw a triangular-shaped object and she just blurted out the word "triangle". Thus, in conclusion, I have learnt not to put too much pressure on my girl, let her learn at her own pace and enjoy every moment with her.

The end...

P/s: Hana is also learning to use the computer. Right now, she is able to play simple educational games on the computer on her own....I guess once she is able to read, she will end up surfing the internet!

Mar 1, 2008

Silence is Golden

My silence all these while doesn't mean that I have been inactive, not checking myown blog. Well, I have been checking my blog constantly and consistently but it's just that I havenot been feeling too good to be spending too much time sitting in front of the computer, typing a long-winded story. Hahaha....till I get wait patiently for the next event in my family's life!

P/S: Actually I do have along complain against Hana's teacher..but I shall save it for the third time in a row for her to make another mistake before I shoot a letter or an e-mail to the Principal!