Mar 7, 2008

Yet Another Check-Up

Seeing my gynae today, appointment is at 1525hrs. Hubby has taken half-day leave to accompany me as I have been feeling rather terrible lately. I think all those cramps are making me crazy, what more with the sleepless nights. I just can't wait for my dearest baby to be born!

Well, some mommies love the feeling of being pregnant, feeling the baby moving in the tummy. However, as for me, since this is a difficult pregnancy, how I wish I could just cut my tummy, put it aside, let the baby grow to full term before I attach it back to my body to deliver it. Hahaha....yeah...yeah...wishful thinking! That could never happen, could it?

Neeway, let's wait and see what my gynae has got to say during today's check-up. Will update you peepz soon!

Till then, may the force be with you.....


Ally Jay said...

hang on in there, it will all be worth it in the end.

Shahidah said...

oh...thanks for reminding me...there are times when i really feel like giving up!