Dec 3, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

On Saturday, 1st December, hubby and I brought Hana to the Singapore Zoological Garden as she had been bugging us for quite some time to bring her there.

We woke up early in the morning as I had to prepare some food (reason being....I am unable to eat hawker food for now). So...what did I prepare? Well, just sardine sandwich(even the sardine had to be cooked with sambal, just to kill off the fishy smell as the fishy smell will cause tremendous nausea to me), egg sandwich and seaweed chicken for Hana.

At 10am, we were set to go. Hana was very doubt about it...she loves going to the zoo to see all the different kinds of animals available. I am happy to see her excitement.

When we reached there.....there were so many visitors, locals and foreigners alike! It's obvious isn't it's during the school holidays! the journey around the zoo began....Not long after, I started to feel the cramps in my tummy! Arrgggghh....this is what I hate most! Due to the tummy cramps, we had to move around the zoo at a much slower Thankfully, hubby understood my condition. He was very understanding and supportive, helping me to carry the bags and handle Hana all at the same time.

We spent the whole day there, till the closing time. The last destination we headed to was the Children's Playland. Hana had a fantabulous time playing with the other children(being over-friendly, she was the one going around making friends even though some children didn't want to play with her). Well, whatever it is, I enjoyed looking at the friendliness and confidence in her. On top op that, I should say that I am very proud with Hana. She displayed great graciousness while playing at the playground with the other children. She would make sure to take turns and willingly allowed others to go down the slide first before she did so. which I saw lacking in the other children playing there. Most of the children there...would just brush her aside, rushing among one another to be the first to go down the slide. However, Hana was very cool and relaxed. She maintained a calm composure!

Well...everything good thing will come to an end. As the time came nearer for us to leave the zoo, Hana was reluctant to go. She wanted to continue playing. It was a tough time persuading her to go home as I was already feeling super, super lethargic and lifeless! Eventually, she admitted defeat.

I will find time to post some of the photos in here soon. But for now, I have to go. Need a nap very badly.

Till then, God bless...

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