Sep 21, 2007

A Very Busy Term 4!

Just wanna share that this term, being the last term in the school calendar, is rather a fast-paced and super busy period. This is the time when the teachers in school are busy gearing up the pupils for the year-end examinations, especially when your class is slower than the others in terms of completing the syllabus.

As for the primary 6 pupils, they are left with literally 1 week before the 'D' day comes. Hahahah...what I am trying to say is PSLE starts on 3rd of October. So can you imagine the agony and panic all the P6 teachers are feeling at the present moment? Obviously each and everyone of them is going really beyond what is expected of him to make sure that the pupils are fully ready and well-prepared for the big exam.

However, I realise that as the day is coming nearer, the more the pupils slacken in their revision momentum. Why? Are they feeling worn out? Well, maybe....I do sympathise with them but it's really Hobson's choice. Expectations are high and all parents are hoping for the best from their children. All I should say is, parents should be realistic in setting goals for the kids so as not to over-pressurise them. This will only deter the child to perform better. At the same time, there are parents who are rather oblivious of what is required for their child to do well for the exams. Worse still, there are parents who don't even know what is the criteria for their child to enter secondary school!!! What is happening here then? Should we blame the child for not having any target or goal? You decide. I have personally encountered parents who are rather laid back, they leave all the revision wholly to the child. How are we going to know if our child is revising correctly when we are not there to supervise? Well, some parents may argue that they are not well-versed in the P6 syllabus. I am not expecting them to know how to solve all the Math problems in the revision papers. What's important, you take note or your child's weaknesses and immediately seek help, if need be. What's the point of leaving your child on his own when he can't even perform a simple task and yet set an impossible target for him? Does it make sense at all? It's definitely for you to ponder upon.

Till to go to class now.

P/s: School is celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival tonight from 7.30pm to 9.30om. Still have not decided whether to join in the fun or not. Anyway, it's the fasting month. Hubby said he intends to shop for Hana's Hari Raya costume tonight. Hmm...will only decide later.

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