Oct 20, 2007

8th Day of Syawal

Today is the 8th day of Syawal....More visitings to be done today. However, got to wait for my brother- and sister-in-law's families to arrive as they have not come to our place yet for Hari Raya. My bro-in-law is working today and so that means we will only start our visiting rounds in the afternoon after 3pm.

Hubby, Mummy and I initially decided to visit some of Mummy's relatives in Yishun area earlier today but both Hana and Adam were sleeping so soundly till 2.15p.m....and on top of that, Nadia Al-Insyirah had called Mum to inform her that Bik Wati and her were already on their way to Mum's place so our plan to go to Yishun had to be shelved till tomorrow.

We are planning to rent Jerry's car for tomorrow. Have already sms-ed June about it but yet to receive confirmation from her. Hopefully nobody is renting their car tomorrow or else we may have to end up taking cab throughout the whole day tomorrow and it will surely cost quite abit 'cos we are going around the whole island of Singapore as Mummmy's relatives are located throughout the island!

In terms of visiting friends and relatives for the past 1 week, we have only managed to visit our neighbours' houses and my former neighbours' houses in Marsiling. We have so many more peopel to visit for this Hari Raya. I wonder if we can ever cover all the places within a month(as it is...we won't be able to go away from our area during the weekdays because by the time we come back from work and get ready, it's almost 8pm)! On top of that, Hana is not with Hubby and I on weekdays as Mummy is taking care of her. She only comes back on Friday evenings so that means our visitings have to be carried out on Ftriday nights, Saturdays and Sundays.

Hmmm....it's almost 3pm but Hubby has yet to receive call from his brother to inform him that they are on the way here. We are getting ready now and if my in-laws are late, we are going to our neighbour's house first while waiting for them.

Since this 'queen mother' needs to get ready and polish up her face...hehehehe....I'd better sign off now before 'Big Boss' makes a lot of noise about me taking my own sweet time to get ready. Hahaha...

Till then, God bless...

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