Oct 3, 2007

Beginning of PSLE

To all my Primary 6 pupils, ALL THE BEST to you for your exams. May you guys be able to sail through all the 4 papers smoothly with as little hiccups as possible. My prayers will be with you. May you do well for the exams and move on to a good secondary school where a whole new great experience awaits. Especially to Valarie, my sporty-noisy-boisterous-helpful-loving neighbour, please don't disappont your parents and me. Give your best and please put aside your HORRIBLE(hahahahaha) attitude while sitting for the exams.

To all the parents out there, whose child is sitting for any of the major exams this year....continue to give your moral support to your child. This is the time when your child needs all the support and not nagging from Mummy and Daddy. As it is, they are exhausted from the continuous revision. Hence, let's not add further pressure on them. They are humans just like us, who need all the TLC(Tender Loving Care).

Tll then, God bless....

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