Oct 4, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Adam!

Today is Adam's (my nephew) 1st birthday. Well, a year ago, he was born prematurely. At the time of birth, he was so tiny...just the size of a palm(or just slightly bigger). He had tubes all over him. It was a painful sight to see such a minute baby being kept in the incubator with wires everywhere. He was in the ICU for about 1 month before being transferred to another special nursery. I can't remember what that nursery is called.

However, looking at Adam today, a year later, so much has changed. He has grown alot(even though still very small in size). He is so smart and I am sure he will grow up to be a handsome young man. But Adam, being handsome only is not enough, OK. You must be well-mannered, well-respected, intelligent and be someone who can contribute to the nation positively. I am sure his parents will take good care of him and bring him up well so as not to spoil his future.

I don't have his photos in hand at the moment. Will find time to upload some pics one of these days.

Till then, God bless...


Anonymous said...
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katz said...

Hello, poor Adam but i think he's doing great now so nothing to be poor about ei?